Thursday, March 26, 2020

Reminder of Childhood

Your childhood is a crucial part of growing up so why not keep
this teddy to remember all those good times! Who knows,
something that you learnt then could be helpful now.
One little teddy could make you remember the highlight of your life.
Last Teddy Bear 

Why did you make me throw out all my teddies? Now I only have one
but you don’t think he’s special! The last one, the last teddy from our
ancestors and you just want to get rid of him. I’ve had him my whole life.
When I was born he sat beside me on my hospital bed, when I was a
toddler I used him for something to chew on, when I was five I brought
him to school on the first day to get me through it and now after all that

I still love him!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Writing Prompts:E

Your principal has decided to make the school day longer but ban homework.

Due to homework and trying to fit in with other after school activities, many boys and girls don't get the necessary amount of sleep.

Harris Cooper tries to argue that homework has a positive effect on students, but his studies also found no direct all between increased homework for students and improved test scores.
That's why we should have homework.