Saturday, October 10, 2020


 Steve and Bucky saves the day

One day a dinosaur called Steve wes was riding his bike when suddenly he heard someone say “hello my name is Bucky”. Steve pulled the brakes on the bike and looked around, he could see the treeline at the back of the farm and a group of cows that have calves then he noticed a calf walking straight towards him saying “help I can’t find my mum.” So Steve turned around, jumped on his bike and zoomed away back on the farm. When he got to the edge of the bush he turned around and noticed that Bucky was following him. Steve was trapped and he could not go home because Bucky was on the track, suddenly Bucky said “hi, I can’t find my mum but my name is Bucky”. Steve turned around and tried to find a way he could run but there was nowhere to go so he turned around and said “ I will have to take you back to the shed” so steve said wait here and I will go get the calf trailer but my hands are too small so I used my teeth to grab the trailer. When Steve got back Bucky was gone so he looked all around the paddocks where he was last seen and Bucky wasn’t there suddenly he heard muffled voices coming from down the bank so he walked to the edge and saw Bucky, Steve has just realised that Bucky was stuck on the ledge saying “help help I am stuck please someone help me” so Steve ran down the track and got Bucky to come up on the ledge when they got up on the bank Bucky said “sorry I thought I heard my mum down there then I slipped and got myself in a bit of a bad situation but you saved me”. So Bucky and Steve went back to the shed and became best friends but Steve is still wondering how Bucky can talk.  

Now that is a story for another day


1 comment:

  1. Hi Anusshika,

    Thanks so much for sharing this narrative to your blog. I like the way you had the narrative structure. As a next step you could include paragraphs in your writing.

    Thanks for sharing.


    Mrs B.


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